March 2017

Term 3 Ends March 16th - No School March 17th

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Where has the time gone?  3rd Term is almost over and the final term of the school year is about to begin!

Just a reminder to all our MNJHS parents and students that Term 3 ends this Thursday, March 16th. Students, please make sure you look at your SIS report to check on your grades and assignments asap.

Also, there will be no school the following day, March 17th.  4th Term will begin Monday, March 20th.

We Bid A Fond Farewell to Mr. Christensen

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On Friday, March 10th we said goodbye to Brett Christensen, our MNJHS CCA, Exploring Tech and Woods Teacher.  Mr. C, as he is known throughout the school, is currently working at the Salem Hills High School Wood Shop through the end of this school year.  He will be the new Drafting teacher at Payson High School starting in the fall.  We wish him the best and know his new students will love him as much as we do!

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Friday, 3/10/17

Submitted by amy.ewell on

Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE! Congratulations to Koa Graham and Maddie DeHart for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Friday, March 10, 2017. Koa was nominated for seeking to learn concepts, being helpful and contributing in class.  Maddie was nominated for being a team leader and source of encouragement to the FFA team.

Kendall Call

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Thursday, 3/9/17

Submitted by amy.ewell on

Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE!  Congratulations to Zaybree Martin and Tait Ising for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Thursday, March 9, 2017.  Zaybree was nominated for her conscientious work in class.  Tait was nominated for going above and beyond the call of duty in FFA.

Cheri Campbell

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Wednesday, 3/8/17

Submitted by amy.ewell on

Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE!  Congratulations to Jentry Coon and Oaklie Jensen for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Wednesday, March 8, 2017.  Jentry was nominated for working extremely hard and being respectful and kind to everyone. Oaklie was nominated for always having a smile and saying thank you.


March Mayor Award - Tavah DeHart

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Tavah DeHart – 9TH GRADE

Mt. Nebo Jr. High School

Tavah DeHart, a 9th grade student at Mt. Nebo Jr. High, has been nominated to receive the Payson City’s Mayor’s Award for the month of March.  

One teacher wrote that “Tavah is quiet, but always doing what she’s supposed to be doing.  When she asks a question, it’s an important one that everyone should hear the answer to.  She is a calming influence on a class”.

Another teacher stated that “He hasn’t had her as a student, but she and her teammates did well at our science fair and moved on to the District Science Fair.  She is a very kind person and I’ve heard many good things about her”.

Tavah is an accomplished athlete.  She loves playing tennis and was on Mt. Nebo’s tennis team her 7th and 8th grade years, doing very well.  She competed this year (9th Grade) for Salem Hills High School.  

“Tavah is an excellent student here at Mt. Nebo Jr. High.  She is respectful and conscientious in her classes.  She treats teachers and peers kindly and she possesses a sweet disposition that allows others to be her friend.  She works hard academically and she is diligent about keeping up with her work.  She consistently performs well in her classes and makes an effort to be successful” states another teacher.

Tavah has served on Mt. Nebo Student Council for the past 3 years.  She is dedicated and always willing to help out with anything that the council is doing.  She is proactive and when she sees a need, Tavah does it without asking.  Tavah is a role model for all that serves with her.  She makes other feel important and helps them feel good about themselves.  She has been co-chair for several activities that the student council has been in charge of and as the advisor, I’ve never had to worry about if the activity was going to succeed or not.  She comes early to school to make sure that everything is ready to go.  Tavah is a tremendous leader.  I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to get to know her.  

Mt. Nebo Jr. High is lucky to have Tavah at our school.  She is a delightful person and a joy to be around.  She will be a success in life because of her dedication and determination.  We feel that she is very deserving of this honor and award.

Congratulations Tavah!

Teen Night At Payson Library - March 17th

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The Payson City Library will be hosting a Teen Game Night for all Junior High students on March 17 from 6-7:30pm.  Fun activities include:

  • Mario Cart Tournament
  • Magic the Gathering with Ziah from Gameland World
  • Ping Pong Table
  • Pizza

For more information please contact the Payson Library @ (801) 465-5220.

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Tuesday, 3/7/17

Submitted by amy.ewell on

Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE!  Congratulations to Darian Pieper and Madison Heaton for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Tuesday, March 7, 2017.  Darian was nominated for always being willing to help others.  Madison was nominated for being a positive young lady who's willing to do anything with a fantastic attitude.

Cheri Campbell

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Friday, 3/3/17

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Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE!  Congratulations to Justin Lamb and Chelsey Fletcher for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Friday, March 3, 2017. Justin was nominated for having a good attitude and making us all laugh with his stories.  Chelsey was nominated for always working hard, being respectful and trying her hardest.

Kendall Call

Sophomore Orientation Day, Monday March 6th

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On Monday, March 6th, MNJHS Freshmen who will be attending Payson High School or Salem Hills High School this fall will have an opportunity to visit their respective schools.  Buses will pick students up from MNJHS and transport them to and from the schools.  Students will participate in assemblies and be able to visit different booths to learn about school clubs, groups and teams.  This should be an exciting day for all of our outgoing MNJHS Freshmen!