January 2018

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Friday, 1/5/18

Submitted by amy.ewell on
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MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Friday, 1/5/18 644.89 KB

Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE! Congratulations to Matthew Linville and Saige Campbell for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Friday, January 5, 2018. Matthew was nominated by Mrs. Barker for organizing and plugging in her chromebooks. Saige was nominated by Mrs. Reber for always being helpful and friendly in class.

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Wednesday, 1/3/18

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Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE! Congratulations to Antonio Magdaleno and Awnika Lunnam for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Wednesday, January 3, 2018. Antonio was nominated by Mr. Rather for being a hard worker in woodshop and being respectful. Awnika was nominated by Mr. Wilson for being honest and returning money that dropped on the floor.

FREE MNJHS Panther Preschool Time - Sign up NOW!

Submitted by amy.ewell on

One of our Discovery Classes this term is called Panther Preschool.  In this course students are discovering what it takes to be a preschool teacher, and becoming experts in early childhood development.  At the end of the term our class would like to put our skills and projects to the ultimate test, by opening the Panther Preschool.  Please complete the attached form if you would like to register your preschool aged child (3-5 years old) for the Panther Preschool on January 5th from 2:00-2:45.  You can bring your registration form to the MNJHS front office, get a copy of the form from the front office, or email it to mary.stoneman [at] nebo.edu (mary[dot]stoneman[at]nebo[dot]edu).

(Click "NEXT" at the top of this post to reach the PDF Link to the registration form.)

MNJHS Panthers of the Day - Tuesday, 1/2/18

Submitted by amy.ewell on

Hear the ROAR! A Panther is: RESPECTFUL, OUTSTANDING, ACADEMIC and RESPONSIBLE! Congratulations to Layne Osborn and Megan Liddle for being nominated as our MNJHS Panthers of the Day on Tuesday, January 2, 2018. Layne was nominated by Mr. Rather for being hardworking and someone he can count on and respect. Megan was nominated by Mr. Robinson for being outstanding, having great grades, being polite, having a friendly attitude, and being a good example.

Payson Mayor Youth Recognition Award - Abraham Figueroa

Submitted by amy.ewell on
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Payson Mayor Award - December 47.55 KB

Abraham Figueroa – 9TH GRADE

Mt. Nebo Jr. High School

Abraham Figueroa, a 9th grade student at Mt. Nebo Jr. High, was nominated to receive the Payson City Mayor’s Award for the month of December. Abraham is a hard working student at MNJHS.  We are thrilled to have him receive this award from the Payson City Council.

"Abraham is an exceptional young man. Although new to our school this year, he is friendly to everyone. Teachers, students, and others involved at Mt. Nebo Junior High comment on his willingness to work, his kindness, and his can-do attitude. Abraham is conscientious about his learning and grades. He completes all assigned work, including extra credit, on time. He fixes mistakes on assignments and tests to help him understand better. Although Abraham is focused on doing his best, he is also willing to help others achieve. Fluent in both English and Spanish, Abraham patiently works with other Spanish-speaking students to help them understand the math. Because of his dedication to learning, his compassion for others, and his commitment to being his best, I expect to see Abraham do impressive things in his life!" - MNJHS Faculty Member

Photo Courtesy of PJHS