July 2024

Introducing Miss Hallam!

Submitted by blake.mortensen on

Hello everyone! 

I am Miss Allison Hallam, and I will be teaching visual arts. Born and raised in Spanish Fork, Utah, I am a literal “speedy Spaniard,” who enjoys paved paths, dirt trails, grassy fields, and cobblestone roads to accumulate as many steps as I can on my daily tracker. Whether I am long-distance running, roller-blading, and/or traveling across various countries and continents, I take in the miles with ease to meet with and make new friends who are always found along the way. Besides these extracurricular interests, I also prioritize the play and practice of learning. As an artist and educator, I know that endeavoring to learn something new requires an open mind and willing hands to engage in the messy effort that is the cyclical process of learning. From my experience in exploring different ideas, taking that first initial step is the hardest part; but, that brave foot forward also leads to unimaginable opportunities for further growth and understanding. So muster the courage, and join me as we adventure together into the wild world of visual arts. It is a fun and fantastic place to discover the curious and creative possibilities that surround and exist inside each of us.

Meet Mrs. Jones!

Submitted by blake.mortensen on

Hi there! My name is Mrs. Jones. I was born in Payson, but have lived in Springville my whole life. I graduated from BYU-Idaho and taught 5th grade for 3 years. I'm so excited to finally be teaching in a middle school where I can share my love of reading and writing with my students! You will either find me at the movies - a place where I can enjoy a bucket of popcorn and a red and blue icee, or snuggled up somewhere cozy reading a good book. My favorite book right now is Scythe by Neal Shusterman, and Studio Ghibli movies are always at the top of my list. I dabble in watercolors and acrylic paints. I also love exploring the outdoors and finding new places to hike. My son, Wellington, is currently 18 months old and I love showing him all the fun things the world has to offer (he also loves the outdoors, and will stop at nothing to get outside, even if it's way too hot!).