Welcome Back!

Submitted by melissa.nielson on

School starts on Tuesday, August 19th and we are excited to have all of our students back at Mt. Nebo! Here are a few upcoming dates to be aware of:

August 5th- Registration from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Please bring the fee sheet that was mailed home with your students registration information. If your student is an incoming 7th grader you will need to bring in records with proof of the Tdap immunization. Nurses will be available at our school from 10 to 2 if you would like to take care of it at registration. 

August 18th- 7th Grade Day from 7:55 AM to 11:20 AM. This is an optional day for 7th grade students to come to school before all the older kids get here! They will have a tour of the school, attend an informational assembly and have lunch in the cafeteria. 

August 19th- First Day of School

August 22nd- Picture Day



Parent Link: The school sends information to parents through the district site called Parent Link. Go to www.nebo.edu and under the heading "Parents" click on the tab "Parent Link" for instructions. This gives the school the ability to text, call, and email information. 

Grades: We encourage parents to check their students grades on a regular basis. This can be done by going to www.nebo.edu and under the heading "Parents" click on the tab "SIS Grades/Attendance". Through this site you have the opportunity to check grades, contact teachers and update your contact information. 

Please contact the school if you have any questions or if you have not received your registration information in the mail.