Ways to Make Homework Less Stressful

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Students often have a hard time managing homework, especially new 7th graders adjusting to having many teachers. Here are a few simple tips to make the most out of homework each night and keep the stress level in check:

1. Establish a Time: Parents can pick a consistent work time. Kids thrive on routine, and if they know what time they have to do homework, they're able to prepare themselves mentally. 2. Get Organized:  Be sure the work area is clear of distractions. Make everything your kids need to complete their homework readily accessible. You don't want to spend 10 valuable homework minutes searching for paper or pencils. 3. Eliminate Distractions: During homework, there should be no TV, texting or other electronic devices. Electronics interrupt and stretch out the homework process. Kids benefit form learning when it's time to work and when it's time to play. 4. Build in Breaks: After a long day of school, children can become stressed by the homework looming over them. Learning specialists recommend five to ten minute "power breaks". Use a kitchen timer to keep track of time. 5. Be Available: Homework helps your child work independently, so don't hover, interrupt or offer too much input. Encourage, praise and support, but do not complete any work, no matter how tempting it may be! There is important growth associated with the process of understanding, attempting, asking questions and completing the work. 6. Use the Student Planner: All students received a planner on their first day of school. Please help your child utilize theirs. All assignments should be written in the planner each day. Review the planner with our child and help them break down big assignments, and plan ahead based on due dates. If your student is having a hard time understanding their work, contact the teacher and see if your student can get help before or after school. We also have Power Hour available after school every day except for Wednesday. Students can come and get their homework done, with a teacher available to help answer questions.