Teen Living trip to La Caille

Submitted by melissa.nielson on

In Mrs. Miller's Teen Living class, students were studying dating and etiquette.  Many teens stress a lot about dating and dining out.  Beverly Stone, the head server at La Caille, came first semester and taught a lesson on dining etiquette and extended an invitation to practice applying their new knowledge at one of the most elegant restaurants in Utah, La Caille.  The menu included: Escargot, raspberry sorbet, fresh green salad with shaved parmesan and champagne vinaigrette dressing, grilled chicken with spring vegetables, country dinner rolls, crepes maison for dessert and lemonade to drink.

Students had the opportunity to practice dining etiquette in an environment free of the stress of dating.  We discussed as well the fact that business is often conducted over a meal, including interviews.  Etiquette is free. It includes putting people at ease who may feel unprepared - the three phrases/words used most "Excuse me" "Please" and "Thank you" when applied help any situation.  

This experience has allowed students to feel capable of presenting themselves well in any circumstance.