Mr. Rhet Rowley Receives PEAK Award!

Submitted by khristen.massic on

“Mr. Rowley goes above and beyond to make each student and teacher at Mt. Nebo feel welcome and appreciated. He holds open the front door each morning and greets each person that walks through with a smile and a hearty ‘good morning.’ I have also seen Mr. Rowley take extra time and effort to apologize to students if he feels he has been in the wrong. Students are often surprised to be treated this way, and his actions definitely helped the students feel more valued and recognized.”
Last night Mr. Rowley received a PEAK Award at the Nebo School Board Meeting! We are so excited to have him at Mt. Nebo!
Mr. Rowley was nominated by Mrs. Capell. 
#nebohero #mnjhspanthers #mtnebojhs #NeboSchoolDistrict

For more information on this month's PEAK Award winners, visit the Nebo School District website.