Mr. Kirk Wright- MNJHS Teacher of the Year

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Congratulations to Mr. Kirk Wright who is the MNJHS Teacher of the Year! One teacher had this to say about his great work:  "Kirk has a passion for learning and application of knowledge. He has embraced the science fair and requests all students to participate through projects, experiments, writings, and posters. If you go by his class, you can hear the passion in his voice and the enthusiasm that drives all of his lessons.”

Kirk said, “I have a pillar philosophy of teaching. These pillars are diversity, depth, breadth, passion, and law. The first pillar refers to our students and that each of them is a unique individual with a diverse set of strengths and needs. The next two pillars refer to myself as a teacher. As a teacher I need a deep background in the subject I teach. I also need to have a broad education in many other areas. The more I can identify with a student’s interest the more I can help them achieve success. The last two pillars refer to the students I teach. Each student has an individual passion that if I can help them to connect their passion in some way to what I teach that will energize their desire to learn. The last pillar refers to laws or boundaries that a student needs to be aware of as they move through school or into life. These pillars provide me with a strategy to help students be the best they can while providing them with a good education and great opportunities.”

We appreciate him and are know he is well-deserved of this honor!