MNJHS Discovery Night Showcase

Submitted by amy.ewell on

We had an AMAZING end of semester Discovery Showcase night at Mt. Nebo Jr. High on January 11th!  Discovery Classes are new this year to MNJHS.  Classes involve project based learning in a wide variety of subjects, including a Panther News Crew, a Panther Preschool, Small Building Construction, Yearbook, STEM Club and more!  Discovery teachers were able to display their class projects for students and parents to view.  

Students who attended and were able to visit at least 20 displays received a free movie theater pass.  The night was a HUGE success with hundreds in attendance.  A BIG THANK YOU SHOUTOUT to administrators, teachers, students and parents for all they did to make the event run smoothly.  A new set of Discovery classes begin today so make sure to ask your student what they will be doing this term!

CHECK OUT OUR MNJHS FACEBOOK PAGE for more photos from this great night!

Shan Daniels