Submitted by kaye.isakson on
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During the last week of April, Hayden Heaton and Dallas Jensen traveled to Houston Texas to compete in an international science fair called ISWEEEP.  Over 60 countries were represented along with projects from over 40 states.  At this fair Hayden and Dallas had the opportunity to share their science project with judges from across the world.  After three days of judging and other activities these young men won a bronze medal for their efforts.  This is the best and student from Mt. Nebo Junior High has ever done and we are very proud of their hard work and how they represented our school, our district, and our state at this international event.  Only three projects from Utah were invited to attend, placing these young men into a very elite group of young scientists.  Again, we are very proud of their hard work and look forward to the amazing things they will do in the future