November Students of the Month

Submitted by kaye.isakson on
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The following students were chosen as the November students of the month for Mt. Nebo JHS. Included is the statement written by the nominating teacher.

7th Grade:  Gracie Stika--Gracie is kind, respectful and always willing to help

8th Grade:  Bracken DeGraffenreid--Bracken does her job without being asked and is always cheerful.

9th Grade:  Tiffany Herbert--Tiff takes care of others in class. She is a great student.

Kaye Isakson

Student Council and Honor Society Students Rope Course

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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The National Junior Honor Society and Student Council members from Mt. Nebo went on a leadership field trip on November 12th.  After a few training games and betting on some old records we went to the high course. There were zip lines, rock climbing, a giant swing, and "the jump of faith." Everybody got to participate in at least one high course. We learned that winning is not always important but helping your team succeed is what really matters. It really helped us to see that winning isn't everything! 

Ana Bermudez, Student Public Relations Committee

Drive for the Homeless

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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The students at Mt. Nebo Junior High recently had a drive for the homeless that was organized by the Mt. Nebo chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. For one week the school collected items such as candy canes, flashlights, tissues, and playing cards. We gathered in over 1,000 items weighing in at 105 pounds! We went over our goal and the classes that brought in more than 100 got donuts! Way to go Mt. Nebo!

Charity Pieper, Student Public Relations Committee

Latino's In Action at UVU

Submitted by melissa.nielson on

On Monday, thirty five of our 9th grade Latino students, including our Latino's in Action class had the opportunity to visit UVU. The students had a tour of the entire campus, including the multi-cultural office. Students learned about concurrent enrollment, scholarship writing, and  resources such as Step Up Utah and UtahFutures. Presenters included Yudi Lewis, Tino Diaz and Axel Ramirez. Our students were a great audience and learned a lot about how to prepare for college! 

Melissa Nielson

Panther Praise Winners Nov. 11th - 15th

Submitted by kaye.isakson on
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Congratulations to the following Panther Praise Winners for the week of Nov. 11th-15th

Back Row: Noelle Wall (7th), Makayla Davis (9th), Lilly Parris (7th), Kinzie Bigelow (8th), Jordan Lowe (9th), Tito Rueles (9th),

Front Row: Andrew Hadlock (8th), Tyrel Nixon (8th), Michael Sandage (7th),


Kaye Isakson

Panther Praise Nov. 4th - 8th

Submitted by kaye.isakson on
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Congratulations to the following Panther Praise Winners for the week of Nov. 4th – 8th

Abigal Reyes (9th), Amy Zavala (7th), Aubrie Chappell (8th), Josh Walton (8th), Miguel Aguirre (8th), Julissa Dumas (9th), Manuel Mireles (7th), Selena Marguardson (9th),  McKiley Finch (7th)


Kaye Isakson

Congratulations Mrs. Solorzano, PEAK Award Recipient!

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Veronica supervises our Latinos in Action (LIA) program. At parent-teacher conference, she provided a place where children could be watched by the LIA students while their parents visited with the teachers. Our school hosted a Latino night for our parents where she translated and assisted throughout the presentation. Veronica is always friendly and caring. She shows exceptional service as she translates for parents and takes time to ask how they are doing. Veronica has a calming effect with students or parents who are upset. By the end of the conversation, all conflict has been resolved. Veronica excels in leadership of students, parents, and administrators. She is essential and much appreciated at MNJHS. She is competent, caring, and professional. There is no one better for a Nebo PEAK Award.

Kaye Isakson & Alice Wilson

4.0 Pizza Party

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Way to go Mt. Nebo students! We did really great getting 4.0's last term. Congratulations to those who put forth the effort to try to get a 4.0 and were so close, keep trying, you'll get there. The incentive for people getting a 4.0 was a pizza party. Lots of people came and enjoyed!

Samantha Samuels, Student Public Relations Committee

October Students of the Month

Submitted by kaye.isakson on
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Congratulations to our October Students of the Month:

Abigal Adams (7th), Hannah Wheelwright (9th), Jarom Harris (8th), and Daniella Rodriguez

Kaye Isakson

Josh Drean Assembly

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Josh Drean, Anti-bullying Youth Speaker and former “Cosmo the Cougar” presented to students at Mt. Nebo Junior High on Tuesday, November 5th.  Josh brought his positive approach to help students see how they can eliminate bullying by standing up for each other, thinking positively and following the Mascot Code: 1) Don’t Lose your Head 2) Be a Team Player  and 3) Stand Up. Josh entertained with his life experiences, beatboxing and student participation. Josh emphasized Mt. Nebo's Panther Pride theme for Term 2 of Respect for Others and the importance of creating a culture of respect at school, at home, in your community and with friends.

Melissa Nielson