National Junior Honor Society Service Project

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Several members of the NJHS recently attended a meeting with Hoby International, a service and leadership program. They learned of a program to help women in Africa. They have been gathering plastic bags, and met together to cut the bags into 1" thick strips. These are taken to Africa yearly and the women use them to crochet purses and baskets, and then sell them. Our students will continue the service project until they are done with the hundreds of bags they have collected! 

Gallery in the Loft Winners

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Congratulations to our students who participated in the "Gallery in the Loft" exhibit. Each year, our Art teacher Mr. Brun holds a gallery where students, teachers and parents can view art projects that are completed by our students. It is a fun new tradition Mr. Brun has started since teaching here at Mt. Nebo. The winners are (left to right):

Bridger Perry(9th grade) for Best use of Materials

Tracey Bravo (9th grade) for Best use of Color

Hannah Wheelwright (9th grade) for Best Overall, Best 2D Art Design and Most Original

Dane Dutson (8th grade) for Best 3D Art Design

Not Pictured: Bailey Kimber (7th grade) for People's Choice 

Melissa Nielson

Spelling Bee Winners

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Mt. Nebo Junior High held the annual spelling bee on Tuesday, January 21st. The winner was Seth Erickson (8th grade) and the alternate was Wyatt Perides (7th Grade).  Seth will receive a one year membership to Britannica Online, he also moves on to the county spelling bee with a chance to go to Washington D.C. to compete nationally. 

Latino's in Action- Tutoring

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Latino's in Action (LIA) is a leadership class where our Latino students can use their bilingualism to tutor kids at Barnett Elementary each day. Our students tutor kids in all grades, and help in all subjects, with the purpose of promoting literacy.  The elementary students receive one on one tutoring from an LIA student.  We currently have 28 students from the 8th and 9th grade that participate in the class. They are required to meet GPA requirements, be bilingual and show a positive attitude and exhibit leadership skills. Our students do a great job showing leadership and service in the community and in our school!

Panther Praise Winners Jan. 13-17

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Congratulations to the following students for being chosen as panther praise winners.

Sydnie Sorensen (8th)--Mrs. Kirby, Sharon Woodhouse (9th)--Mrs. Isakson, Caitlin Slade (7th)--Mr. Busath, Rhett Hyer (8th)--Mrs. Olsen, Abbi Coles (8th)--Mrs. Kirby, McKadie Mories (9th)--Mrs. Isakson, Chandler Payne (7th)--Mrs. Huff, McKay Asay (9th)--Mrs. Isakson, Paco Arce (7th)--Mrs. Capell

Panther Praise Winners Jan. 6th-9th

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Congratulations to the following panther praise winners:

Haylee Carlile (8th)--Mrs. Harmer, Chelsea Roylance (9th)--Mrs. Harmer, Kellie Dunn (7th)--Mrs. Harmer, Ali Christensen (9th)--Mrs. Harmer, Abigal Adams (7th)--Mr. Call, Isaiah Johnson--Mrs. Isakson (7th), Samantha Cole (8th)--Mrs. Harmer, Katelynn Sandage (8th--Mrs. Harmer

Teen Living Flour Sack Babies

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The 9th grade students in Teen Living will be caring for their flour sack babies this week. Students have this assignment for three days and are required to leave a voice message for Mrs. Thacker one night between 1 and 3 AM. The objective of this assignment is for students to discuss why teenagers are not ready for the demands and responsibilities associated with parenthood. The students do a great job decorating their flour sacks and have a lot of fun with this project, but definitely learn the objective of the assignment and are ready to be done when the time comes! 


December Students of the Month

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Congratulations to the following students for being named Students of the Month for December:

7th Grade: Tanner Peterson, 8th Grade: Rosa Magana and Millie Durfee and 9th Grade: Kate Figueroa

Panther Praise Winners Dec. 16-20

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Congratulations to the following panther praise winners for the week of Dec. 16th-20th:

Michaela Baird (7th)- Mrs. Isakson, Eliza Lindstrom (7th)--Mrs. Isakson, AshleyDaley (9th-- Mrs. Isakson, Alaina Belk (8th)--Mrs. Isakson, Kristy Carter (9th)--Mrs. Phelps & Mrs. Cox, Gerardo Zavala (9th)--Mrs. Phelps & Mrs. Cox, Cooper Fenton (9th)--Mrs. Pehlps & Mrs. Cox, Absent: Austin Losee--Mrs. Isakson, Jeffrey Flinders--Mrs. Isakson

Panther Praise Winners Dec. 9-13

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Congratulations to the following panther praise winners for the week of Dec. 9th-13th

Nakota Chilton (7th), Mrs. Hotchkiss, Kylee Haws (8th) Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Phelps, Drew Anderson (8th) Mrs. Reber, Gabby McBeth (9th) Mrs. Daniels, Leo Velazquez (9th) Ms. N. Brady, Dallin Southwick (7th) Mrs. Hotchkiss)