Panther Praise Winners April 20th to 24th

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Congratulations to our panther praise winners for the week of April 20th to 24th

7th grade: Samuel Devenport (Mrs. Bennett), Kaydon Radmall (Mrs. Larsen), and Austin Ekins (Mr. Vincent)

8th grade: Haley Sprague (Mrs. Bennett), McKiley Finch (Mrs. Wright), and Nick Bingham (Mrs. Hanks)

9th grade: Landon Baird (Mrs. Bennett), Kaitlyn Smith, (Mrs. Isakson), and Ismael Casco (Mrs. Isakson)


Kaye Isakson

Utah Chamber of Commerce Great Kids Award

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Mt. Nebo JHS Great Kids awards were given to the following students from the Utah County Chamber of Commerce in an awards assembly held at the Heritage school in Provo on April 30th. The following are the nominations from the teachers that recognized these great students.

Katie Solorzano:  Mrs. Capell, her math teacher said: “Katie always tries her best. She is very conscientious. She asks for help and helps others. As a member of Latinos In Action she gets involved in our community. She is kind and patient with others.  Mrs. Hotchkiss, her science teacher stated: “Katie serves as a translator keeping it short and sweet, yet never provides the answer during 8th period with the non-English speaker.”  Mrs. Huff, the student council advisor, added: “Katie is a great leader even though she is just a 7th grader in her student council group.  I can always count on her to get things done.” She translates at Barnett's SEP's as part of the LIA’s and Mrs. Stoddard, the principal, once told her mother that a "cute little young LIA member came by to thank her for letting them have have them well trained".  She has had a 4.0 every term and spends all day doing homework 5 days a week.

Samuel Devenport: Mrs. Capell, his math teacher stated: “Samuel works hard in class and is always thinking about how to use what we are learning. He finishes all his work on time. He is kind to others and enjoys helping them.” Mrs. Hotchkiss his science teacher said: “Samuel Devenport is a responsible, kind and respectful young man. He comes into the classroom with a smile on his face ready to learn and to participate. Samuel works hard to complete each task assigned to him and does so willing without complaint. Along with getting his own work done, he is eager to assist other students in the classroom.  He is well liked by adults and his peers. Samuel is an outstanding young man and an example to all those around him.”


Kaye Isakson

Panther Praise April 13-17

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Our panther praise winners for the week of April 13th to 17th were the following:

7th Grade: (all nominated by Mrs. Isakson) Zander Oryall, Korinne Huntington, Clover Carter,

8th Grade: (all nominated by Mrs. Isakson) Trevor Wilcox, Mikalia Nelson, Hank Bowers

9th Grade: Seydy Varela—Mr. Call, Yesenia Rangel—Mr. Call, and Nicholas Jeffery—Mrs. Isakson


Kaye Isakson

April/May students of the month

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Congratulations to our students of the month for April/May.

Yadira Vasquez (7th), Evyn Staheli (8th), and Fritz-Carl Morlant (9th).

Kaye Isakson

Mr. Kirk Wright- MNJHS Teacher of the Year

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Congratulations to Mr. Kirk Wright who is the MNJHS Teacher of the Year! One teacher had this to say about his great work:  "Kirk has a passion for learning and application of knowledge. He has embraced the science fair and requests all students to participate through projects, experiments, writings, and posters. If you go by his class, you can hear the passion in his voice and the enthusiasm that drives all of his lessons.”

Kirk said, “I have a pillar philosophy of teaching. These pillars are diversity, depth, breadth, passion, and law. The first pillar refers to our students and that each of them is a unique individual with a diverse set of strengths and needs. The next two pillars refer to myself as a teacher. As a teacher I need a deep background in the subject I teach. I also need to have a broad education in many other areas. The more I can identify with a student’s interest the more I can help them achieve success. The last two pillars refer to the students I teach. Each student has an individual passion that if I can help them to connect their passion in some way to what I teach that will energize their desire to learn. The last pillar refers to laws or boundaries that a student needs to be aware of as they move through school or into life. These pillars provide me with a strategy to help students be the best they can while providing them with a good education and great opportunities.”

We appreciate him and are know he is well-deserved of this honor! 

Panther Praise Winners March 30th - April 3rd

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Our panther praise winners for the week of March 30th to April 3rd are:7th grade: Corbyn Hoover (Mrs. Reber), Bridger Wilson (Mrs. Reber), Isaiah Hall (Mrs. Isakson)8th Grade: Keely Taylor (Mrs. Reber), Rebecca Hazelet (Mrs. Reber), Sheradyn Larsen (Mrs. Wright)9th Grade: Diana Howells (Mrs. Isakson), Kaleb Burch (Mrs. Isakson), Sydnie Sorensen (Mrs. Isakson)

Kaye Isakson

April's Mayor's Award

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Seydy Varela was recognized at the City Council meeting on April 1st by Payson's Mayor, Rick Moore. She was accompanied by her family members.

Kaye Isakson

Region Science Fair Winners

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Congratulations to our Mt. Nebo JHS students who placed in the Region Science Fair:   Sarah Rawle and Kinzie Bigelow took 2nd place in behavioral science with Gavin Scholl taking 2nd place in plant science.  

Kaye Isakson

Panther Pride Fun Run

Submitted by melissa.nielson on
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Yesterday we had almost 300 of our students participate in our annual Fun Run. This is a 2K run around the field and down past the movie theater. This was the reward for our 3rd term Panther Pride activites. The focus for this term was on Academics and students needed to have no deficient grades in order to participate. The top 10 racers from each grade won a Fun Run T-Shirt and everyone had a great time! 

UVU Stem Fest

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Last Thursday, our 7th grade students and Stem Club members had the opportunity to attend the Stem Fest at UVU. Our students were able to participate in hands-on experiences with science and technology and get to peek into future job opportunities. The students had a great time and learned a lot!