Climbers of the Week: Dec. 6th-10th

Submitted by ty.james on
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Here are the Climbers of the Week for Dec. 6th- Dec. 10th. Students are nominated by teachers for working hard in class, helping others, having a good attitude, etc. Congratulations to all!

Evelynn Hansen, For: Staying after class to help clean things up and put chrome books away.

Jaydence "JJ" Hurst, For: Always being willing to help students out in class in a kind and understanding way.

Katelynn Burke, For: Being super helpful to a substitute teacher.

Brody Sorensen, For: Being a great student. He works hard in class, has a great attitude, and is kind to others.

Thomas "Buzz" Capell, For: Always doing his best and being honest.

Taylor Peterson, For: Making class a fun place to be.

Elizabeth Masterson, For: Being a great TA. 

Christopher Bautista Hernandez, For: Always being cheerful in class.

Tukker Bott, For: Brings humor into the classroom and always participates.

Dakota Slack, For: Volunteering to clean the Aux gym. She did a great job.

Jose Mireles, For: Working hard to get caught up and getting a 5 on his Math mastery test.

Isabella Jaussi, For: Being respectful to all students and teachers.